3 Secure Ways to Generate Fake Website Traffic

Harper Evergreen

August 25, 2024

Table of contents

  • What is Fake Traffic?
  • Why Use Fake Traffic For Testing?
  • Important Advantages Of Fake Traffic
  • Efficient and Secure: 3 Best Fake Traffic Generators
  • ApexTraffic – a Safe and Reliable Generator of Fake Traffic
  • Summary
fake traffic,  seo, traffic generators

When you hear the word ‘fake’ applied to anything related to your website or blog, it may ring the alarm in your head. Yet not everything that is ‘fake’ is actually a source of danger or problems with algorithms. Sometimes, faking lots of page visits is a workable tool for stress-testing your page or finding the bottlenecks before they become a real problem.

In this overview, we’ll explore the idea of fake traffic, why you might need it, and where to buy fake traffic safely and not for all the money in the world.

What is Fake Traffic?

Fake traffic is the traffic coming from bots, software, click farms or networks, etc., you name it. It is traffic created not by real users interested in your page but by some service or groups that deliver visits or clicks for money. Usually, this traffic comes in unusually large amounts at once or at unusual times, so there are basic ways to understand if your website is flooded by fake traffic. This traffic, if not a result of a malicious DDoS attack, just mildly annoys you by showing up in analytical consoles and meddling with real visit numbers.

However, if fake organic traffic is created by very sophisticated bots and carefully managed, it might fool Google and similar algorithms and push your page to higher positions in search results, even if temporarily. It will be your task then to make these positions permanent by posting more useful content and winning the attention of real users.

Sometimes, it’s necessary to fill your page with lots of traffic all at once to see how it works under a full load, if there are any glitches, or if there is something you can improve. Unfortunately, you cannot just summon eager users right when you need them and in desired numbers. That’s when fake traffic comes in handy and is welcomed on websites.

Why Use Fake Traffic For Testing?

As said, fake traffic is excellent for webpage stress-testing and for achieving some particular SEO goals. In testing, this kind of simulated traffic load can help to check the website processing capacity, maximum load capacity, bandwidth, possible lags, bottlenecks, bugs in the system, and so on. There are lots of page parameters that can give in when a crowd of users tries to access it all at once, so you never know where the weak spot is until you stress-test it.

So when real users flock to your page in large numbers, the site will work smoothly, without lag or error messages. It ensures high user satisfaction and conversions because pages that have lots of glitches or download slowly annoy the users and drive them away altogether.

That’s when you really need to generate fake traffic in large amounts. Just be careful to work with a reliable and discreet traffic provider.

Important Advantages Of Fake Traffic

If you wonder if fake traffic has strong sides that you never thought about, we can list a few:

  • Traffic of different types and from different locations
  • Any amount you need right when you need it
  • Customizable parameters
  • Easy and reliable way to get traffic fast

Finally, if traffic is of high quality and delivered with attention to natural patterns of users’ behavior, it does trick Google and other browsers and shows up in analytical consoles as real traffic.

So you can use it for your benefit, with certain precautions.

Efficient and Secure: 3 Best Fake Traffic Generators

Apex Traffic

When you look for a fake traffic bot, the first consideration is the security and discreteness of services. ApexTraffic has an elaborate system in place ensuring a high level of discreteness and quality of traffic that makes it indistinguishable from real users. That’s why we put this traffic generator first.

They have their proprietary mechanisms of generating and delivering traffic in patterns that fully imitate human behavior. They use custom or masked browsers, unique IPs, and other methods so that the traffic looks perfectly natural. To enhance the potential of their traffic, they offer an extensive toolkit for campaign adjusting and keyword selection. Then from the initial search to the page visit, everything runs smoothly and traffic gets recorded in analytical tools and is accepted by search engines as authentic.

More than that, they offer a wide variety of fake traffic, from organic and direct to social and geo-targeted. So no matter what amount of traffic you offer, be it an extra large or small plan, its delivery and parameters will look credible and will boost the authority and search position of your page. This is if you need traffic for SEO purposes.

If you need traffic for stress-testing your page, order any amount and get it delivered immediately or at the time when you need it (to be able to monitor everything personally). ApexTrafic will fulfill your order flawlessly.


  • A huge variety of fake traffic, including social, organic, direct and CTR traffic
  • An extensive control board for traffic segmentation (day/night, desktop/mobile, geo-targeting, etc.)
  • Keyword selection and search
  • Traffic is fully accepted by analytical tools and search engines
  • Efficient customer support and an ample learning database


Free options: ApexTraffic does not offer free plans or traffic bots. Instead, you get a generous free trial for every type of service.

Paid options: you can order a custom plan that includes any amount of traffic you need plus accompanying services and get a quote individually.


SERPEmpire can provide you with a few types of fake traffic, that’s why we place it second on the list. However, if you search specifically for bot-generated organic or CTR traffic, you’ve come to the right place. SERPEmpire has a solid reputation as one of the best organic traffic providers on the market, so you can safely order any amount here and get it delivered in the best possible way.

It’s important to know that this generator can deliver traffic from a multitude of browsers, including Google and Bing, plus it can supply the Baidu traffic from the Chinese segment of the internet. So if you need to expand your outreach in that direction, SERPEmpire is your trusted partner.

Other than that, this heavy-duty fake traffic bot features all settings and toolkits necessary for launching and fine-tuning all kinds of traffic campaigns, whether for webpage testing or other SEO purposes. Geo-targeting, day/night distribution, mobile/desktop, and other parameters for traffic parsing are all built into SERPEmpire to make traffic delivery look completely natural and organic.

All in all, SERPEmpire is a reliable provider of fake traffic in large quantities, so don’t hesitate to turn to them when you need it.


  • Fake traffic is great for SERP position boost and CTR manipulation
  • Fast delivery of traffic in any amounts, large or small
  • Traffic can be delivered from very specific browsers like Baidu
  • Traffic fully visible in analytical tools
  • Guarantee of real improvements in page ranking


Free options: you can get a 7-day free trial and subscribe to a plan that suits your needs.

Paid options: they offer an adjustable scale where you can choose a plan and see its cost. The beginner plan is 1,000 searches a month ($79/mo), and the largest plan is 1,000,000 searches a month ($17,999/mo). The plans in between include 10,000 a month ($499/mo), and 100,000 searches a month ($2,999/mo). This is just to inform you about pricing tiers since there are plenty of other plans that fall within these brackets.

SEO Rank Hunter


We end our cherry-picking session with this fake traffic generator because it deserves to be on your radar. SEO Rank Hunter can supply fake traffic for videos and business listings, that’s why it is an invaluable treasure for everyone who wants to boost their ecommerce pages. In addition to this unique feature, this traffic generator allows you to exclude ads from traffic campaigns, which means that there will be no clicks on ads on your page (and no ads budget draining, accordingly).

Otherwise, this service has all the necessary features to make it a handy tool in SEO campaigns and site-testing efforts. You can order loads of traffic or small amounts, depending on your goals, and segment traffic by geolocation, time, devices, and other parameters. If you need to run keyword search campaigns, you can even set the geolocation for ‘users’ who run this search.

In such a way, the delivered traffic will look perfectly natural and will be easily accepted by search engines. You can monitor traffic delivery in analytical consoles and be sure that it will help in achieving your SEO goals or at least be neutral when you send fake traffic to a website for technical purposes.

With this in mind, we recommend keeping this traffic generator bookmarked.


  • Good-quality fake traffic for video hosting like YouTube, business pages, and business listings (Etsy)
  • Option to exclude ads (no clicking on ads on your page)
  • A good support team
  • The simulated traffic is perfectly visible in analytical dashboards and consoles
  • Geolocation can be preset for search by specific keywords


Free options: a small free plan of 300 searches and 2 page views (per month).

Paid options: there is a variety of plans available within the very generous brackets. The minimal plan includes 1,500 searches per month (€59/mo). The maximum Ultimate plan includes 1,200,000 searches per month (€9,999). Choose any amount of traffic between these brackets and get a specific quote.

ApexTraffic – a Safe and Reliable Generator of Fake Traffic

We did our best to explain that fake traffic is not always bad and that you can take advantage of it, especially if it’s created by trusted and discreetly operating traffic generators. ApexTraffic is a leader in the generation of top-quality traffic of different kinds, and if you plan to get fake traffic, it can do it for you.

A diversity of traffic on offer makes the process look organic and natural, without raising any suspicions with search engines. ApexTraffic knows it and builds elaborate systems of traffic distribution to keep your page safe and its reputation crystal-clear. So whether you need to nudge a page just a bit to the top or plan to run through full-load testing of your website, ApexTraffic is your reliable partner.


Website promotion and management sometimes require a non-traditional approach, and getting fake website clicks or visits in large amounts is one of them. It helps to test the page in terms of its loading speed, traffic processing capacity, and other crucial metrics. Otherwise, you may need to direct lots of traffic to your page once to give it a little kick and send it to the top and increase its exposure.

These are all cases when an injection of fake traffic can really help. Just be sure to pick a reliable traffic generator from the list we offer, and get the most out of your investment and the traffic pouring into your web page!

Harper Evergreen

Meet Harper, the mystical SEO enchantress weaving magic into the digital realm. With a passion for keywords analytics, she uncovers the hidden treasures of search engine rankings. Join her captivating blog for enchanting insights on SEO and digital marketing sorcery. Unleash the power of her wisdom and conquer the digital landscape!

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